Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Some Gardening News

As you may know by now - the excitement that this has caused MUST have reached you by now! - we have a garden.

Our garden extends as far as the small bush in the centre of the picture

The seed bed.  Carrots, cabbages, red onions and white onions

The ground is very hard and dry, with very little organic matter.  We are slowly digging beds ready to transplant into, and digging in all the dead grass and kitchen waste that we can.  We also have access to some very old chicken manure, which is being buried and spread.

We also have some water melons growing outside the house.

Water melon flower.  In a few months I hope to be able to show you water melons!

Monday, 6 June 2016

A Day Out With Friends

Having received a generous donation from home, we were able to take a group of our friends from church to Livingstone to see Victoria Falls and some animals.  Including the driver and a baby, there were 19 of us in a small bus.   For most of those present it was the first time to see the Falls.
Here are some pictures of the day:

First view of the Zambezi:

Victoria Falls:

Getting ready for the wet

The Falls are in all that spray somewhere

Ivonne and Christine

Christine, Ivonne, Emmeldah, Memory and baby Cholwe

Taking pictures

This is why we got so wet
 Drying off at the top of the Falls:

Picnic by the river:

And home again: