One of the things about being here that is the most different from being in Wales is the seasons. Here we have hot, wet, and cold. The boundaries between them are blurred and the seasonal markers we have in the UK don't seem to apply.
The cold season is just finishing. Leaves have been falling from the trees and at the same time new leaves are growing. No months of naked trees here, take off one suit of clothes and put on the next. Here are some examples:
Some trees are in their fresh spring attire while others still stand naked |
Some are still wearing last year's leaves, brown and crisp and ready to fall
The mangoes have their fresh leaves and flowers above the dark green ones yet to come down
Some are still changing colour. This one is always the last to change, when the new leaves begin to show here we will know that the hot season is well and truly upon us
Lovely to catch up with you via Zoom. England is as wet as Wales at the moment!